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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

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COMAP offers members access to numerous mathematics and modeling programs, products, and materials in a variety of collections and formats. Our online library has more than 1500 resources. This page lists resources with most recent first. Please use the Search box or the filter options in the Find Resources menu to assist in locating desired products. For additional assistance or if you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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More Missouri Breaks

As part of one of our mathematics courses, we decoded the Missouri driver's license code, using Gallian 119921 as a g...

Multigrid Methods

Most physical phenomena, whether in the area of fluid dynamics, electricity, magnetism, heat flow and other domains c...

Neural Networks

The power and usefulness of neural networks is demonstrated by the success of the TNA (Thermal Neutron Analysis) proj...

Wavelets: A New Tool in Applied Mathematics

The subject of wavelets has been around for less than ten years. Yet it seems to be popping up everywhere. The major ...

Hamming Distance and Its Discovery

There are many ways of describing the discovery of error-correcting codes, and I will place the emphasis on the mathe...

Digital Signatures

When you receive a letter that apparently was sent by your acquaintance John Smith, how do you know that he is indeed...

Limitless Calculus via Ethereal Numbers

Newton and Leibniz were independent originators of the calculus in the last half of the seventeenth century, and both...

Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Combinatorial Games

Combinatorial game theory was axiomatized by Conway [I9761 and was developed by Berlekamp, Conway, and Guy [19821. It...

UMAP Journal 31.3 Fall 2010 Edition

Table of Contents Guest Editorial The Bio-Math Connection Articles Curve Interpolation and Coding Theory Cutoffs a...

Curve Interpolation and Coding Theory

Whether it is downloading files from the Internet, having conversations between cell phones, or sending information f...

Cutoffs and Thresholds in the Democratic Primaries

The 2008 Democratic Primary season was one of the most riveting in recent history in part because of the lengthy cont...

Biomath Genetic Inversion

This-and other BioMath Modules under development-arose from a conference in April, 2005, held at the Center for Discr...

Consortium 99, Fall/Winter 2010

Table of Contents: From the Editor's Desk: The Common Core State Standards In Search of Research: Assessing Assess...

Modeling the Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Population

This pullout focuses on modeling the rise and fall of the population of Kemp's ridley sea turtles, the smallest and m...

Mathematics and Sports

Has the sports program in your school district been canceled-the victim of a taxpayer revolt against passing your loc...

Engineering World Health

At cashstrapped hospitals in Nicaragua, Ecuador, and Tanzania, blood pressure gauges, oxygen compressors, a...

The Cant of Computer Literacy

Cant is an old English word for insincere or meaningless talk used merely from convention or habit. Originally it ref...

Number Theory

Elementary number theory is the study of the relationships among the integers. These relationships arise from two pro...

Analytic Number Theory and the Zeta Function

Number theory is an area of mathematics in which the properties of the positive integers become the focal point of st...

Discrete Mathematics

That revived pedagogical entity called discrete mathematics appears surrounded by a mist of uncertainty and some conf...

Retraining in Computer Science : Small is Beautiful

Nearly everyone in college teaching is aware of the tremendous increase in the demand for computer-related courses, a...

Pure and Applied Mathematics from an Industrial Perspective

The primary purpose of this article is to comment on the difference between pure and applied mathematics from the poi...

The Language of Growth , Enlargement , and Decrease

Poor or imprecise use of language can often confuse a reader or listener. There is particular occasion for such confu...

Elliptic Curves

The topic of elliptic curves is an exciting one for a variety of reasons. For one thing, elliptic curves are a meetin...

Executive Mathematics

The red ink informed Jim Washam that he had made a $400 mathematical error. Washam, a bank vice-president, was glad t...

Adaptive Methods

Adaptive methods have their foundation in the mathematical field of control theory. The basic idea of an adaptive met...

2 + 2 = 5

Once upon a time, there was a country, and the people in this country had strong religious beliefs that influenced th...

Applied Mathematics in China

Last fall a delegation of U.S. college mathematics educators visited a dozen Chinese universities at the invitation o...

Hercules and the Hydra

Hermles, the greatest hero of Greek mythology, was the strongest man on earth and supremely self-confident in his str...

Game Theory and Nuclear Deterrence

The theory of nuclear deterrence seems, at first glance, crudely simple. Since both the United States and the Soviet ...

The Lifeguard Problem

The following exercise appears in some version in almost every calculus textbook (e.g., [Fraleigh 1985, 1851; [Purcel...

Difference Equations in Genetics

The evolution of many allele frequencies can be understood through the use of difference equations. Let n represent (...

Parabolic Wave Equations

The last fifteen years or so have seen enormous research activity in the development of parabolic wave equations (PWE...

Algebraic Geometry in CAD / CAM: The Role of 19th Century Mathematics in Geometric Modeling

Geometric modeling is the representation and manipulation of geometic data in a computer. It is the mathematics that ...

The Curious History of Trigonometry

Current trigonometry texts begin with trigonometric ratios, continue through the solution of right and other triangle...

Genetic Algorithms in Optimization

Genetic algorithms (GAS) are iterative processes for finding good solutions to optimization problems. GAS operate on ...

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