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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

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COMAP offers members access to numerous mathematics and modeling programs, products, and materials in a variety of collections and formats. Our online library has more than 1500 resources. This page lists resources with most recent first. Please use the Search box or the filter options in the Find Resources menu to assist in locating desired products. For additional assistance or if you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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This module develops a mathematical model for rating a group of contestants based on the results of several head-to-h...
This module considers three optimization problems in the design of computer hardware and software and solves them by ...
This module describes the Busy Beaver problem and explores the Busy Beaver and shift functions. It proves that these ...
Using elementary calculus techniques, this unit explores the concept of viewing angle as a criterion for determing th...
This module considers the problem of devising a scheme for predesignated subsets of a group of people to hold a secre...
This module looks first at how an ocean current is affected by the fact that it moves on a rotating sphere. It consid...
A unit that relates finite mathematics to decision analysis for multi-candidate voting systems. By using this module ...
A systematic mathematical survey of various approaches to justice. The module discusses various requirements that a j...
A unit that involves conditional probability and ambiguous information. The purpose of this module is to allow studen...
This module uses basic conditional probability, lotteries, and expected utility to analyze the process by which gover...
The expected distribution of jury verdicts in a jury of size N, requiring K of N votes to convict, can be modeled by ...
Zeno's paradox of Achilles and the turtle was an early encounter between the human mind and the notion of infinite se...
In this module, a method is given for finding a line or plane fitted to a set of data by using the concept of best fi...
This module considers some relationships between curves and surfaces: How is the rate of climb in the vertical direct...
A unit that involves the theory and practice of evaluating definite integrals on a computer. By the end of this modul...
With completion of this module students will: 1) be able to state four purposes for fitting an equation to data, and ...
With completion of this module students will: 1) know how to use graph theory to model simple problems; and 2) have a...
With completion of this module students will be able to: 1) discuss how approximation is pervasive in statistics; 2) ...
This unit contains five examples of exponential and logarithmic functions being used to study the behavior of real-wo...
This module introduces a variety of linear programming problems and describes in detail a graphical method for solvin...
A unit that involves probability and statistics and genetic counseling. The purpose of this module is to: 1) provide ...
This module has students become familiar with the basic properties of a group through an approach which is concrete a...
A unit that involves applications of abstract algebra. By the end of this module students will be able to: 1) underst...
A unit that involves calculus of variations with applications in mathematics. With completion of this module students...
A unit that involves Kepler's Law and the Inverse Square Law. With completion of this module students will be able to...
The purpose of this module is to: 1) introduce the terms nominal rate and effective rate; 2) show how they are used i...
A unit that applies probability and statistics to measures of voting. The purpose of this module is to help students:...
A work-scheduling model for corrections officers at state correctional institutions is described. This model can elim...
The purpose of this module is to give students a better understanding of how mathematics can be used to learn about p...
With completion of this module students will understand the concepts of price discrimination and consumer surplus. St...
The turnover of the membership of a legislative body is described by the exponential probability distribution, where ...
With this module, the student gains an understanding of the role of recruitment and defection rates in political mobi...
From this module students develop flexibility in analyzing difference equations in quadratic format. Chaundy and Phil...
This unit introduces the student to nonlinear representation (first order quadratic difference equation) for politica...
The frequency with which the Supreme Court of the United States hears cases on an issue often exhibits the pattern of...
The purpose of this module is to: 1) demonstrate how interacting entities like nations can be represented by second o...

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