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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: Math at Work
Supplementary Print
High School

Imagining , Improving and Inventing Math In Design

Author: Sarah Williams

A designer can mean many different things. Fashion designers, graphic designers, and interior designers all lay claim to the title. The common thread is creativity and a desire to enhance people's lives. Here, we meet three product designers.

Kevin Carpenter is a chief engineer at a company that designs items we use every day, like laptops, asthma inhalers, and laundry dryers. But his company has also taken on projects born in extreme conditions, like walkie talkies used in combat zones and a vest that cools workers in hazardous heat. Michael Hiller is a design and engineering consultant who creates computer simulations that test how technology will perform.

This approach allows him to work with tiny products like microscopic components of a cell phone, as well as large designs like giant marine platforms, all from the comfort of the computer. His simulations help his clients improve their designs before they commit resources to production.
©2012 by COMAP, Inc.
Consortium 102
3 pages

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