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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

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SIMIODE Modeling Scenario : Fish Mixing (Teacher Version)

Author: Eric Sullivan & Elizabeth Carlson

Abstract: This activity gives students a chance to build a differential or difference equation model similar to standard textbook mixing problems.The activity uses tangible objects ("fish") and a student-designed restocking and fishing plan for a lake. The mixture is of two species of fish; one is the only species currently in the lake and the other is introduced via restocking. Students generate data via a brief simulation and then conjecture forms of a differential or difference equation model.

Keywords: mixing, simulation, fish, fishing, modeling

Tags: differential equations, first order, linear, restocking

©2016 by COMAP, Inc.
The UMAP Journal 37.4
10 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Differential Equations, mixing problems

Application Areas:

Life Sciences & Medicine, mixing, simulation, fish, fishing, modeling

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